and how!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Exciting Times Ahead!

This week has been a whirlwind of excitement! I didn’t think it was possible for so many new things to fall into place into such a short amount of time!

Since Cory graduated from the police academy in September, I have been constantly reminded of the importance of patience. The Lord has a good and perfect plan for our lives and although we may not see it at the time, He reveals His plan in His time. The Lord has bestowed so many blessings upon our lives and we are so thankful.

This week:

Cory was officially named Officer Barrow and will start working in a few weeks!

We bought a “family car”: A Honda Pilot SUV.

Cory sold his 1997 Honda Prelude. I know he was sad to see it go but he is so excited to inherit my Civic Hybrid (sarcastic voice, in case you couldn’t tell :) )

We applied to rent a very cute house in Old Towne Orange and were accepted; we move in April 1! This was super cool because another couple applied for the house at the same time with similar income and credit. They had a major plus going for them considering they don’t have a dog and we do…. But turns out, they liked our application better and offered it to us!

We got our 2010 tax refund! Just in the knick of time :)

I hit 23 weeks in my pregnancy on February 23. I’m still feeling great and trying to take advantage of it before I get huge and uncomfortable.

On a not so happy note.... Lilly has been really sick :(  One trip to doggie urgent car and one stay at the hospital later, we still don’t really know what’s wrong. They ran some tests and she had elevated liver enzymes so she has been on an antibiotic and vitamins that should make her feel better soon. She hasn’t been eating and is definitely not her normal “spunky” self. It’s so sad to see her so uncomfortable and we can’t wait to have our Lilly back.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend- TGIF!! Maybe I will start packing a few boxes up :) 

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