I am now officially 33 weeks; which means only 7 weeks until my due date and only 3 weeks left of work before my maternity leave!
Since my last post, we have been very busy settling into our new house and adjusting to Cory's new work schedule. I will be really glad when Cory is off training and his schedule is a little more stable. Right now, it changes every 3-4 weeks and it's really hard to plan anything-- it's very hard for the planner in me to accept :) We LOVE our new house and are so glad that we decided to move when we did. I'm currently working on the baby's room and can't wait to see what it looks like when it's finished! Here's a sneak peak at the wall collage I'm putting together above his crib. Keep in mind, it's still a work in progress :)
We had a wonderful Mother's Day yesterday! I guess it was my "first" Mother's Day and Cory surprised me with some pretty flowers when he got home from working the graveyard shift. I hosted brunch at our house and we had a great time with the wonderful women in our family! I am so blessed to have so many wonderful role models and know that they will have lots of great motherly advice to offer :)
My Mom, Aunt Margie and Grandma (can you believe she is 91 years old?!)
Cory's Aunt Denise, Grandma and Mom
My Mom, me, Grandma and Sister Laurie (4 Generations including the baby!)
For those of you that don't know, we got a puppy about two months ago. After Lilly got so sick and passed away unexpectedly, we couldn't stand the thought of being without a dog (and when I say dog, I really mean pug :)) With the baby due in 3 months, we decided to take the plunge and welcome little Lucy into the Barrow family. Although she will never quite fill Lilly's shoes, she is a sweet little pup with LOTS of energy. She is definitely getting us ready for parenthood and keeping us on our toes. When people see us out with her and then look at my preggo belly, they often ask "What were you thinking?!"
How precious is this face?!
Lucy LOVES my belly! I think she will be really sad to see it go!
As I'm writing this, the baby has the hiccups (he gets them at least 3-4 times a day!) and is moving around in my belly like crazy! Lucy is being her crazy self, trying to chew on everything and I am watching the show "Quints by Surprise"-- boy am I glad there's only one baby in there! It's fun and scary at the same time, imagining what our life is going to be like in just a few short months. We can't wait to welcome little Baby Barrow into the world and we love him so much already!